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Of 91 Sean Cody videos to determine the extent to which theseĪspects were also depicted in the videos produced by another Portrayal has four major aspects: descriptions of bottoms asĪthletic, descriptions of bareback sex as risky, a focus on semen as Masculinity that reframes aspects of hegemonic masculinity.

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The materials produced by this studio provide a portrayal of gay Previous research on the content of gay bareback pornography hasįocused on one studio, Treasure Island Media (TIM), and argued that Pornographic videos: comparing Sean Cody with Treasureĭownloaded by at 01:28 29 September 2017ĭepartment of Sociology and Anthropology, Western Illinois University, Macomb, IL, USA Pornographic videos: comparing Sean Cody with Treasure Island Media, Porn Studies, DOI:įull Terms & Conditions of access and use can be found atĭownload by:

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To cite this article: Craig Tollini (2017): Different portrayals of masculinity in gay bareback

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Pornographic videos: comparing Sean Cody with ISSN: 2326-8743 (Print) 2326-8751 (Online) Journal homepage: ĭifferent portrayals of masculinity in gay bareback

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